How are aluminium & hair recycled?

We have specialised processes to recycle both hair and aluminium waste from your salon...
Hair enters a unique In-Vessel Composting system to become a valuable, eco-friendly fertiliser and empty colour tubes and foils go on a different but equally magical journey.
Two different and separate processes, each with their own environmental benefits, working together to create a more sustainable future…
So, how does it work? Find out below!

How does alUMINIUM get recycled?
When you an empty colour tube or set of foils into your recycling box it embarks upon a magical journey of transformation.
The recycling process for aluminium is a very simple one, you consume and recycle, we remelt and reproduce that same metal into another valuable aluminium product, from aeroplanes to window frames or even rockets bound for Mars, here’s what happens . . .
step by step
We collect your recycling directly from your salon, on a date and at a time that suits you.
The recyclable materials are taken to a materials recovery facility (MRF) where they are sorted. Metals are separated using magnets, and the aluminium and steel items are compressed into separate bales.
Bales of aluminium packaging are then taken to a reprocessing plant, where they go through four stages – shredding, decoating, melting, and casting. During the final stage, the molten aluminium is cast into large ingots weighing 27 tonnes each!
Ingots are transported to a rolling mill and rolled out to make sheet aluminium, from which new packaging can be made.
Aluminium sheet is converted into a diverse range of packaging items. Alternatively, your recycled aluminium can be used in the production of a wide range of items such as cars, bicycles or even planes.
How it works

What about hair recycling?
Hair is an organic material rich in nitrogen, making it an ideal component for composting. When added to a compost pile, the hair slowly breaks down, releasing its nutrients into the mix. Over time, with the right balance of other organic matter, moisture, and air circulation, the hair integrates seamlessly into the compost, enriching it and enhancing its benefits for plants and soil.
Composting and recycling hair not only diverts significant waste from landfills but also provides valuable nutrients for soil enrichment. This composting process not only reduces environmental impact but also supports healthier plant growth and eco-friendly gardening solutions.
step by step
Alongside human hair from salons, we also include garden and food waste.
First we shred the hair. Everything is broken down to under 12mm in size. Hair, shredded materials, wood, and water create the ideal mix.
The mix goes into vertical composting units (VCUs) for a minimum of three days. Then we carry out natural microbial action which is process where the organic material's inherent microbes generate heat.
The heat reaches 70 degrees, ensuring effective decomposition. Then the mix matures for around six weeks, with aeration to hasten the composting, which is called maturation. Once matured, the compost is screened to a 40mm particle size.
Our compost meets the BSI PAS100 standard, transitioning from waste to a valuable resource. We’re left with a fertiliser ideal for farming and agriculture, which is our final product.
How it works

The Benefits of Composting Hair.
Incorporating hair into our composts enhances the soil quality. These high-quality conditioners provide reduced dependency on bagged fertilisers, potential increase in yield, soil aggregation and improved soil workability and reduced erosion risk and enhanced soil water-holding capacities.
Cottage industries have shown the potential of hair recycling (with innovative applications like making dog leads in East London for example!) and while these efforts are commendable, our goal at Recycle My Salon is to create the most sustainable and cost-effective solution for our partners. That’s why we've chosen composting as our primary method of hair recycling.
By incorporating human hair into the composting process, we're not just creating an environmentally friendly solution; we're revolutionising the hair and beauty industry's approach to waste.
The Power of Organic Recycling
Our method aligns perfectly with providing an organic recycling service that many local authorities, horticultural businesses, and agriculture sectors are already accustomed to. We offer a nature-friendly alternative to chemical fertilisers prevalent in farming. This compost, a result of commercial food waste collections, combined with organic waste from gardens and parks, has shown to increase soil organic matter rapidly and improve crop yield without compromising its quality.
At Recycle My Salon, we're always on the lookout for innovative ways to ensure our planet remains sustainable and beautiful for future generations.